Independent FC

Setting SOCCER Free.

Play, not pay.


Setting SOCCER Free.

Play, not pay.

A One-of-a-kind Youth Soccer Club


IFC offers soccer opportunities to more than 300 boys and girls in San Francisco. We are a community of 25 teams ranging in ages from from micro soccer to high school. We are a “public” soccer club and do not charge any fees to join. The club is recognized as a “Project Play Champion” by the Aspen Institute for Sport and Society because of our commitment to access, equity, fun, and excellence. IFC is a program of America SCORES, a non-profit organization that has provided free soccer and after-school enrichment programs for over 20 years. We collaborate closely with Mission Youth Soccer League (MYSL) for player and league registrations.


What is a “donation-based” club?


To set soccer free, IFC relies on donations from families, income from special events, and contributions from corporate and community sponsors. We also rely heavily on volunteer coaches and team managers. All these things together make it possible for IFC to provide accessible, high-quality soccer programs to area youth.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

Independent FC is open to boys and girls ages who reside in San Francisco or are eligible to attend San Francisco public schools. The club fields teams at recreational, local competitive, and travel leagues. We strive to give all San Francisco youth who join IFC a chance to play organized soccer at his or her true level of competition without restrictive price barriers.

What does IFC cost?

IFC does not charge any fee to be in the Club. We ask each family to cover the costs of league fees and jerseys. We ask for donations to the club to help cover the costs of staff, scholarships, coaching, clinics/camps, field rentals, and other administrative expenses.

IFC is a program of America SCORES Bay Area, a 501c3 non-profit organization. SCORES has been operating free, school-based soccer and enrichment programs in San Francisco since 2001. America SCORES and IFC are open to any and all. Once players leave the SCORES after-school program, they are welcome to join IFC teams and continue to stay on a path for soccer and youth development within a supportive community.

IFC Teams play in the fall and spring seasons. Winter futsal, summer league, and tournaments are available on a team-by-team basis.

Why eliminate price barriers?

The biggest problem with youth soccer in San Francisco is segregation. Those who can afford it, play with expensive clubs that draw players from affluent families. Those who can’t afford the clubs mostly do not play or play on underfunded teams with no professional coaching. To improve soccer in San Francisco and other communities, we must desegregate the game and eliminate all financial barriers to participation.

What is IFC's coaching approach?

Independent FC's children receive training from a community of coaches including paid professional coaches, volunteers, and Youth Coaches (college and high-school level players who serve as assistants).


More about IFC

More about IFC

IFC is …

  • a "donation based" soccer club open to any child regardless of ability to pay.  

  • changing the pay-to-play paradigm and making club soccer accessible to more San Francisco children and youth.

  • creating high-quality soccer experiences by combining the passion of volunteer coaches with the knowledge of experience, paid professional trainers.

  • working in close partnership with America SCORES to create pathways for players from public schools into community-based club soccer.

IFC is for families from all of San Francisco!

Screen Shot 2019-04-29 at 9.41.05 AM.png
  • 300+ players on 25 teams

  • 84% from public schools

  • 16% from Independent Schools

  • Teams play in SYFS, MYSL, SCORES, & Cal North leagues

  • Every effort is made to make practices convenient to families